Штыров Юрий Юрьевич
- Директор центра, Ведущий научный сотрудник: Институт когнитивных нейронаук / Центр исследований интеллекта и когнитивного благополучия
- Ведущий научный сотрудник: Институт когнитивных нейронаук / Центр нейроэкономики и когнитивных исследований
- Начал работать в НИУ ВШЭ в 2013 году.
- Научно-педагогический стаж: 24 года.
- Владение языками
- английский
- финский
- русский
- Контакты
- Телефон:
2237 - Адрес: Армянский пер., д. 4, стр. 2, каб. 215
Время работы: удаленная работа
- ORCID: 0000-0001-7203-4902
- ResearcherID: I-3421-2013
- Scopus AuthorID: 6701617874
- Google Scholar
- Руководитель
- Шестакова А. Н.
- Заместитель
- Измалкова А. И.
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Oбразование и учёные степени
Достижения и поощрения
- Благодарственное письмо ректора НИУ ВШЭ (сентябрь 2021)
Надбавка за публикацию в международном рецензируемом научном издании (2021–2022)
- AUFF Research Foundation, Denmark, 2014. PI on a 6-month visiting professorship grant, DKK 284 000, 2014-2015.
- Lundbeck Foundation, Denmark, 2014. PI on 3-year project grant: Neural Speech Processing as Covert Index of Consciousness in Coma, Vegetative State, and Minimally Conscious Patients. DKK ~1.6 mln (~€ 210 000), 2014-2017.
- Lundbeck Foundation, Denmark, 2013. PI on 3-year project grant: Rapid formation of lexical memory circuits in human neocortex. DKK 3 mln (~€ 400 000), 2014-2016.
- Pufendorf Institute, Lund, Sweden, 2013. HuMeNs - – Advanced Study Group on neuroscience of knowledge acquisition. Co-applicants: Profs. M. Lindgren, M. Horne, F. Ståhlberg, D Topgaard et al. (Lund U), ~100000 SEK.
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council & Medical Research Council, UK, 2012. Co-PI on 5-year partnership programme grant: Building capacity in UK clinical MEG research. Co-applicants: Profs K. Singh (U Cardiff), K. Nobre (U Oxford), Dr G. Barnes (UCL) et al. ~£1.3 mln. 2013-2017.
- European Commission Tempus IV programme, 2010. Co-PI on a 3.5-year project grant: Postgraduate training network in biotechnology of 3.5-year project grant. Co-applicants: K. Kaila, (Helsinki U)., I. Pavlov (UCL), A. Shestakova (St. Petersburg U.), V. Klucharev (FC Donders) et al. ~€ 1 mln. 2010-2013.
- Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, Russian Federation, 2010. PI on a 2-year project grant №02.740.11.5148: Introduction of novel methodologies into science, medicine and education in RF: using magnetoencephalography for mapping brain function. RUB 2 mln. 2010-2011.
- Medical Research Council, UK, 2009. PI on 5-year research programme U.1055.04.014.00001.01: Early automaticity of neural language processing: lexical, morphosyntactic and methodological perspectives. ~£1.4 mln. 2009-2014.
- GlaxoSmithKline, UK, 2009. Co-PI on a 2-year industrial collaborative research programme: Biomarkers of schizophrenia. PIs: Profs F. Pulvermuller & Y. Shtyrov. £ 150 000, 2009-2011.
- Elekta Neuromag Ltd, Sweden-Finland, 2006. Co-PI on a 10-year industrial research collaboration programme: Clinical utility of magnetoencephalography. PIs: Profs F. Pulvermuller, Y. Shtyrov, R. Henson. £ 100 000. 2007-2016.
- European Commission Tempus programme, 2005. Co-PI on a 3.5-year project grant. Co-applicants: Drs I. Pavlov (UCL), A. Shestakova (Helsinki U.), O. Pongs (Hamburg U.), V. Klucharev (FC Donders), I. Kanunikov (St. Petersburg U.). € 500 000. 2006-2009.
- Finnish Graduate School of Psychology, 1999. Four-year PhD research fellowship, FIM 400 000. 1999-2003.
- Cognitive Brain Research Unit, University of Helsinki, Finland, 1998. Two-year research grant, funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund. Co-applicant: Dr. T. Kujala. FIM 300 000. 1998-2000
- University of Helsinki, Finland, 1998. Six-month personal grant. FIM 9 000. 1998-1999
- Centre for International Mobility, Finland, 1998. Six-month personal research grant. FIM 36 000
- Centre for International Mobility, Finland, 1997. One-year personal research grant. FIM 60 000. 1997-1998.
- 2018
24th AMLaP conference, Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (Берлин). Доклад: PERCEPTUAL PRIMING AND SYNTACTIC CHOICE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE: MULTIMODAL STUDY.
24th AMLaP conference, Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (Берлин). Доклад: PERCEPTUAL PRIMING AND SYNTACTIC CHOICE IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE: MULTIMODAL STUDY.
- 2017
5th Polish Eye Tracking Conference (Люблин). Доклад: The role of attention in sentence production: beyond visual modality
- 2016
8th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Лондон). Доклад: The effects of cross-linguistic phonologic and semantic overlap in masked priming paradigm: behavioral and ERP evidence
- Lost for emotion words: What motor and limbic brain activity reveals about autism and semantic theory. Moseley, R. L., Shtyrov, Y., Mohr, B., Lombardo, M. V., Baron-Cohen, S. & Pulvermüller, F. NeuroImage, 2014 [in press]
- Ultra-rapid access to words in chronic aphasia: The effects of intensive language action therapy (ILAT). MacGregor L., Difrancesco S., Pulvermüller F., Shtyrov Y., Mohr B, Brain Topography, 2014 [in press].
- Cortical motor systems are involved in second-language comprehension: Evidence from rapid mu-rhythm desynchronisation. Vukovic, N. & Shtyrov, Y. NeuroImage. 102P2, p. 695-703 Real-time Functional Architecture of Visual Word Recognition. Whiting, C., Shtyrov, Y. & Marslen-Wilson, W. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2014 [in press]
- Two Distinct Auditory-Motor Circuits for Monitoring Speech Production as Revealed by Content-Specific Suppression of Auditory Cortex. Ylinen S, Nora A, Leminen A, Hakala T, Huotilainen M, Shtyrov Y, Mäkelä J., Service E., Cerebral Cortex, 2014 [in press, e-pub doi: 10.1093/cercor/bht351].
- Automatic ultra-rapid activation and inhibition of cortical motor systems in spoken word comprehension. Shtyrov Y., Butorina A., Nikolaeva A., Stroganova T. Proceeding of National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 111, 18, p. E1918-23, 2014.
- Brain Routes for Reading in Adults With and Without Autism: EMEG Evidence. Moseley R., Pulvermuller F., Mohr B., Lombardo M., Baron-Cohen S. & Shtyrov Y. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 44:1, pp.137-153, 2014.
- Early activation of Broca’s area in grammar processing as revealed by the syntactic mismatch negativity and distributed source analysis. Hanna J., Mejias S., Schelstraete M.-A., Pulvermüller F., Shtyrov Y., van der Lely H. Cognitive Neuroscience, 5, 2, p. 66-76, 2014.
- Neural dynamics of speech act comprehension: an MEG study of Naming and Requesting. Egorova N., Pulvermüller F., Shtyrov Y. Brain Topography, 27, 3, p. 375-392, 2014.
- Neural dynamics of inflectional and derivational morphology processing in the human brain. Leminen A., Leminen M., Kujala, T. & Shtyrov, Y. Cortex, 49:10, pp.2758-2771, 2013.
- Multiple routes for compound word processing in the brain: Evidence from EEG. MacGregor, L.J.,& Shtyrov, Y. Brain & Language, 2013.
- Automatic processing of unattended lexical information in visual oddball presentation:neurophysiological evidence. Shtyrov, Y., Goryainova, G., Tugin, S., Ossadtchi, A., Shestakova,A. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013.
- Past tense in the brain’s time: neurophysiological evidence for dual-route processing of past-tenseverbs. Bakker I., MacGregor LJ, Pulvermüller F., Shtyrov Y. Neuroimage, 1(71):187-95, 2013.
- They played with the trade: MEG investigation of the processing of past tense verbs and theirphonological twins. Holland R., Brindley L., Shtyrov Y., Pulvermuller F., PattersonK.Neuropsychologia, 50(14):3713-20, 2012.
- Attention to language: Novel MEG paradigm for registering involuntary language processing in thebrain. Shtyrov Y., Smith M., Horner A., Henson R., Bullmore E., Nathan P., PulvermüllerF.Neuropsychologia, 50(11):2605-16, 2012.
- Ultra-rapid access to words in the brain: Neuromagnetic evidence. MacGregor L., Pulvermuller F.,van Casteren M., Shtyrov Y. Nature Communications, 3:711, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1715, 2012.
- Fast reconfiguration of high frequency brain networks in response to surprising changes inauditory input. Nicol R., Chapman S., Vertes P., Nathan P., Smith M., Shtyrov Y., Bullmore E.Journalof Neurophysiology, 107:5, 1421-30, 2012.
- When Do You Grasp The Idea? MEG Evidence For Instantaneous Idiom Understanding. BoulengerV., Shtyrov Y., Pulvermuller F., Neuroimage 59, 3502–3513, 2012.
- Neural bases of rapid word learning. Shtyrov Y. The Neuroscientist, 18:4, 312-9, 2012.Can language-action links explain language laterality? An ERP study of perceptual and articulatorylearning of novel pseudowords. Pulvermuller F., Kiff J., Shtyrov Y. Cortex,, 48:7, 871-81, 2012.
- Fast mapping of novel word forms traced neurophysiologically. Shtyrov Y. Frontiers inPsychology 2:340. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00340, 2011.
- Strength of word-specific neural memory traces assessed electrophysiologically. Alexandrov A.,Boricheva D., Pulvermuller F., Shtyrov Y. PLOS One. 6(8): e22999.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022999, 2011.
- Event-related potentials reflecting the frequency of unattended spoken words: A neuronal index ofconnection strength in lexical memory circuits? Shtyrov Y., Kimppa L., Pulvermuller F., KujalaT. Neuroimage, 55:658-668, 2011.
Опыт работы
Yury Shtyrov (Professor, Head of MEG/EEG at the Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus University; Visiting Professor/PI at the HSE CDM Centre) has many years of international experience in studying human neurocognitive functions, in particular neurobiological foundations of the human speech and language function. His particular contribution to the science of language has been in uncovering early and automatic stages of language processing and in detailing the time course of spoken language comprehension in the brain. This work has to a large extent contributed to a dramatic change in our understanding of how the brain analyses speech, which has occurred in recent years. It shows how memory traces for linguistic elements in the brain can be probed using objective imaging tools, how they develop with learning, interact on different levels, as well as the interaction between the cognitive systems of language and attention. Most importantly, this work shows that these different processes occur rapidly and in parallel, something that was first met with disbelief but is now becoming generally accepted thanks to this and similar work. We are very pleased to have Prof. Shtyrov as our close collaborator in a range of projects focussed on human mechanisms of comminication, perception and cognitive control using MEG, EEG, TMS, behavioural and other methodologies.
2013–настоящее время
Professor - Head of MEG Group MINDLab - Centre for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN) Institute for Clinical Medicine Aarhus University, Denmark
Professor - Director of the Cognitive Brain Research Unit at the IBS - Universityof Helsinki, Institute of Behavioural Sciences (IBS), Helsinki, Finland
Senior Scientist (Programme Leader Track) and Head of Magneto- and Electroencephalography (since 2011) - Medical Research Council (MRC), Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. Cambridge, United Kingdom
Research Associate (Post-Doctoral Research Scientist), 2000-2003 / Senior Investigator Scientist, 2003-2007. Since 2006, also MEG Lab Manager - MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. Cambridge, United Kingdom
Researcher - Cognitive Brain Research Unit, University of Helsinki, Helsinki,Finland.
Младший научный сотрудник - Отдел физиологии и патологии речи, СПб НИИ Уха, Горла, Носа и Речи. Санкт-Петербург, Россия.
- Общий стаж: 14 лет
- Научно-педагогический стаж: 24 года
Приглашаем постдоков из России в нашу команду
После защиты кандидатской диссертации многие молодые ученые задумываются о том, как продолжить свое развитие в научной сфере. Центр исследования интеллекта и когнитивного благополучия приглашает к сотрудничеству российских постдоков.
Research Centre for Cognitive Health and Intelligence Opens at HSE University
The new research subdivision will focus on both the fundamental and applied aspects of human intelligence studies. The goal is not only to investigate the brain's cognitive mechanisms but also to devise strategies for enhancing and sustaining cognitive well-being. Led by prominent Russian and international scientists, the centre will pursue several research areas with main foci on intellectual functions and their operation under various conditions, the mechanisms of language communication, bilingualism and cognitive reserve, and the role of sensorimotor systems in cognitive processes.
В НИУ ВШЭ открылся Центр исследований интеллекта и когнитивного благополучия
Новое научное подразделение сосредоточится на фундаментальных и прикладных аспектах исследований интеллекта человека. Целью станет не только изучение когнитивных механизмов мозга, но и разработка подходов к развитию и поддержанию когнитивного благополучия. Под руководством ведущих российских и зарубежных ученых в центре будут развиваться несколько научных направлений, посвященных изучению интеллектуальных функций и особенностей их работы в различных условиях, механизмов речевой коммуникации, билингвизма и когнитивного резерва, а также роли сенсомоторных систем в когнитивных процессах.
‘Scientists Work to Make This World a Better Place’
Federico Gallo is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making of the HSE Institute for Cognitive Research. In 2023, he won the Award for Special Achievements in Career and Public Life Among Foreign Alumni of HSE University. In this interview, Federico discusses how he entered science and why he chose to stay, and shares a secret to effective protection against cognitive decline in old age.
«Ученые работают, чтобы сделать этот мир лучше»
Федерико Галло – научный сотрудник Центра нейроэкономики и когнитивных исследований Института когнитивных нейронаук НИУ ВШЭ. В 2023 году он стал обладателем награды «За особые достижения в карьере и общественной жизни среди иностранных выпускников НИУ ВШЭ». В интервью Федерико рассказал о том, как пришел в науку и почему в ней остался, а также раскрыл секрет действенного средства против старости.
Нейроучёные «нанесли травмы» модели человеческого мозга
Чтобы понять, как развивается семантическая деменция
Анна Шестакова: «Мы разрабатываем технологии поддержки человека и укрепления интеллекта»
О достижениях и целях нового стратегического проекта НИУ ВШЭ «Устойчивый мозг: нейрокогнитивные технологии адаптации, обучения, развития и реабилитации человека в изменяющейся среде» новостная служба «Вышка.Главное» побеседовала с и.о. директора Института когнитивных нейронаук, руководителем Центра нейроэкономики и когнитивных исследований НИУ ВШЭ Анной Шестаковой.
Attention and Atención
How language proficiency correlates with cognitive skills
Внимателен и attentive
Как связаны владение языками
и когнитивные способности
HSE Opens New Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience
The new institute is headed by Vasily Klucharev, a professor at the Higher School of Economics, who previously worked as Head of the School of Psychology. Vasily Klucharev told the HSE news team about what the School managed to achieve in four years, what the new institute will do and how attitudes towards psychology and neuroscience are changing.
В ВШЭ открылся Институт когнитивных нейронаук
Новый институт возглавил профессор ВШЭ Василий Ключарев, который до этого занимал пост руководителя департамента психологии Вышки. О том, что удалось сделать команде департамента за четыре года, чем займется новый институт и как на наших глазах меняется отношение к психологии и нейронаукам, Василий Ключарев рассказал новостной службе ВШЭ.
Движение помогает понимать смысл слов
Ученые Вышки экспериментально доказали, что языковые и неязыковые зоны мозга находятся в постоянном взаимодействии.
HSE Semantics & Pragmatics Workshop
On September 30 - October 1, 2016, an international Semantics & Pragmatics Workshop was held at HSE. The event was organized by the School of Linguistics, the School of Philosophy and the Formal Philosophy Research Group.
HSE Semantics & Pragmatics Workshop
30 сентября и 1 октября в НИУ ВШЭ состоялся международный воркшоп по семантике и прагматике (HSE Semantics & Pragmatics Workshop), организованный Школой лингвистики, Школой философии и научно-учебной группой «Формальная философия».
Как знание иностранных языков влияет на работу мозга
Чем больше иностранных языков учат люди, тем лучше их мозг усваивает получаемые в процессе обучения данные, выяснили ученые
Vasily Klucharev: ‘Our Brain Identifies Losing Money and Standing out from the Crowd as Catastrophes’
There are numerous ways of impacting people’s decisions, you can convince, intimidate, hypnotise, or use particular tools on certain parts of the brain. Why do scientists do this and what do these experiments show? Vasily Klucharev, Head of HSE’s School of Psychology answers questions posed by Olga Orlova, who hosts the Hamburg Score programme on Russia’s Public Television Channel.
Журналистам приоткрыли тайны мозга
Ученые факультета психологии Вышки стали первыми героями научно-просветительского проекта «Коммуникационная лаборатория» — площадки для общения представителей научного сообщества, образования и СМИ, а также для подготовки новых специалистов — коммуникаторов в научной сфере.