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Address: St. Petersburg, 123A Nabereshnaya Kanala Griboedova , room 308
SPIN-RSCI: 1502-1398
ORCID: 0000-0002-4011-2010
ResearcherID: U-1616-2018
Scopus AuthorID: 57190973744
Google Scholar
A. N. Scherbak
D. Stremoukhov
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Yury Kabanov

  • Yury Kabanov has been at HSE University since 2014.


  • 2015

    HSE University

  • 2013

    Ivanovo State University

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

2014 - University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Center of Advanced Security Theory)

Awards and Accomplishments

Best Teacher – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2015

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Lecturers under 30" (2016-2017)
Category "Future Lecturers" (2015)

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)

Courses (2019/2020)


2013 -  individual grant for empirical research "Information / Cyber Security Discourses and Policies in the EU and Russia: A Comparative Analysis" (Center of German and European Studies, Saint-Petersburg)


  • 2018

    Digital Transformation and Global Society (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Data-Driven Authoritarianism: Non-democracies and Big Data

  • 2017

    Digital Transformations & Global Society 2017 (DTGS’17) (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Interaction between the Internet and Political Regime: An Empirical Study

  • IFIP eGOV EPART (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Electronic “Pockets of Effectiveness”: E-governance and Institutional Change in St. Petersburg, Russia
  • 17th Annual Aleksanteri Conference RUSSIA’S CHOICES FOR 2030 (Helsinki). Presentation: Electronic “Pockets of Effectiveness”: E-governance as Authoritarian Modernization Strategy
  • Шестая ежегодная научная конференция «Октябрьские чтения-2017» «Чему еще нас не научили революции? Россия в глобальном политическом времени и пространстве» (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Новое оружие [против] революции. Электронное участие между демократической мобилизацией и авторитарной консолидацией
  • Время больших перемен: политика и политики: Всероссийская научная конференция РАПН. (Москва). Presentation: Развитие института электронного участия в контексте политических режимов: Соотношение факторов agency и structure
  • 2016

    XVII АПРЕЛЬСКАЯ МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ НАУЧНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ ПО ПРОБЛЕМАМ РАЗВИТИЯ ЭКОНОМИКИ И ОБЩЕСТВА (Москва). Presentation: Информационная открытость региональных парламентов России: между politics и policy

  • First Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies (Tartu). Presentation: Open Government Policy in Russia: National and Regional Dynamics
  • Digital Transformation & Global Society (DTGS - 2016) (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: E-Participation Portals Automated Monitoring System for Political and Social Research

  • Digital Transformation & Global Society (DTGS - 2016) (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: E-Government Development Factors: Evidence from the Russian Regions

  • 15th IFIP Electronic Government (EGOV) and 8th Electronic Participation (ePart) Conference 2016 (Гимарайнш). Presentation: Russian e-Petitions Portal: Exploring the Regional Variance in Use

  • «Октябрьские чтения – 2016» «Развитие России в контексте мировой политики» (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Lost in Translation? Провалы и достижения российского "Открытого Правительства"

  • Ежегодная конференция РАПН «РОССИЯ В УСЛОВИЯХ НОВОЙ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ РЕАЛЬНОСТИ: СТРАТЕГИЯ И МЕТОДЫ РАЗВИТИЯ» (Москва). Presentation: Электронное участие и гибридный режим: Случай "Российской Общественной Инициативы"

  • V Международная научно-практическая конференция "Социальный компьютинг: основы, технологии развития, социально-гуманитарные эффекты" (ISC-16) (Москва). Presentation: Что скрывается за «фасадом»? Эффекты электронного участия в авторитарных странах: исследовательская программа

  • 2015
    XVI Апрельская международная научная конференция "Модернизация экономики и общества" (Москва). Presentation: Электронное правительство в регионах России: факторы развития
  • XVIII Объединенная конференция "Интернет и современное общество" (IMS - 2015) (Санкт-Петерубург). Presentation: Региональные "электронные правительства" в России: институциональные и ресурсные ограничения
  • Фестиваль студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых "Молодая наука в классическом университете" (Иваново). Presentation: Международные организации как (ре) экспортеры политических инноваций: случай "электронного правительства"

  • «Октябрьские чтения – 2015» «Демократические институты и авторитарные практики: сравнительные перспективы» (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: "Электронный авторитаризм": электронное участие в недемократических политических режимах
  • СЕДЬМОЙ ВСЕРОССИЙСКИЙ КОНГРЕСС ПОЛИТОЛОГОВ, МГИМО, 19-21 ноября 2015 г. (Москва). Presentation: "Открытое правительство" в странах ОЭСР и БРИКС: оценка и сравнительный анализ
  • Социальный компьютинг: основы, технологии развития, социально-гуманитарные эффекты. Presentation: Электронная демократия: российский и зарубежный опыт
  • 2014
    Thinking Responsibility in Democracy. Presentation: Responsibility to Protect: Applying the Securitization Framework
  • Фестиваль студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых "Молодая наука в классическом университете" (Иваново). Presentation: "Фактор Сноудена" и международная информационная безопасность
  • Фестиваль студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых "Молодая наука в классическом университете" (Иваново). Presentation: Visualization of Terrorism and Security in American Political Discourse: Case of Sochi-2014 Cartoons
  • 2013
    Современные направления геополитических исследований: пространство, власть, политика (Москва). Presentation: Информационное пространство как новое (гео) политическое пространство: роль и место государств
  • Russia and the EU: the future of Europe and Eurasia (Москва). Presentation: Russia and the European Union in the Context of Information Security: Prospects of Cooperation and Knots of Contradictions




Chapter Kabanov Y., Chugunov A. V., Panfilov G. Drivers of e-Participation performance from a supply-side perspective: the case of the Russian regions, in: ICEGOV '23: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance. NY : ACM, 2023. doi P. 191-196. doi











Timetable for today

Full timetable

'Today Was a Very Happy and Nostalgic Day': How the Main Celebration of HSE University-St Petersburg Graduates Went

On June 30, HSE University-St Petersburg gathered almost 5000 guests at KSK 'Arena' for the main event of this summer—graduation 2024. Bachelor's and master's students were congratulated by their friends and family, professors and faculty deans as well as HSE University-St Petersburg trustees. The diplomas of HSE University-St Petersburg were awarded to more than 1400 people, and 280 of them received the diplomas with honours. Find out what we will remember this festive day for in the article.

The seminar of the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration 

Yuri Kabanov, Research Fellow of the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the Higher School of Economics – St. Petersburg, spoke at the next online seminar of the laboratory. The report was devoted to the role of international indices in the policy of the "digital state" using the example of the UN E-Government Index, which remains a key source of information on the development of digital public services in a cross-national perspective.

Registration for the Spring Online School is open

We invite you to participate in the Spring Online School "Governance in Eurasia: Tools of Analysis". 

HSE University-St Petersburg Students Participate in International Winter School in India

In January, UPES University (India) held the International Student Winter School 'Business and Governance in India'. HSE University-St Petersburg was represented by students of the bachelor's programmes 'Political Science and World Politics' and 'International Bachelor's in Business and Economics', as well as the Master's programme 'International Business in the Asia-Pacific Region'. Read on to find out what the students learned from the Winter School what lasting impressions they have.

Bachelor's Programme in Political Science Opens New Regional Track

Starting from the next academic year, the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics' will open a fourth regional track, this time covering the countries of Latin America. Students who choose this track will be able to immerse themselves in the political processes of the region and study a choice of Spanish or Portuguese.

‘Thanks to HSE University, I Trained Myself to Be Diligent and Grasp the Necessary Information Quickly’

Evgenia Grets is a 2020 graduate of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics'. Having received a strong foundation of knowledge and skills for working with information at HSE University-St Petersburg, Evgenia found her vocation in marketing. She is currently working as a product marketing manager at the company 'Dostaevskiy'. Read on to find out more about studies on the programme and her career path.

Initiation, Lectures and a Lot of Music: What We Will Remember About HSE SPB DAY 2023

HSE SPB Day has been held at Sevkabel Port in the open air. HSE students were congratulated on the beginning of the academic year by the trustees, faculty deans, and the rousing HSE Dance Club. The first-years had an initiation ceremony, participated in activities from student clubs, and danced to popular songs on the Gulf of Finland. They received well wishes from the professors, representatives of large companies and, of course, student organisations. Find out how the first-years spent the day and what they remember most about the event.

HSE University-St Petersburg’s Best Teachers of 2023 Announced

This year, 60 HSE University-St Petersburg professors were named the best based on a student poll and the results of the Student Research Paper Competition. Sixteen of them have received this title three years in a row. Read on to find out more about the winners and the voting procedure.

Results of the 2023 Admissions Campaign

The 2023 admissions campaign is almost over. Read on to learn about this year's results, innovations, and international activities.

'To Become a Sought-After Specialist, It Is Necessary to Study Political Science and International Relations Together'

'Political Science and World Politics' is an English-taught Bachelor's programme which offers subjects in both political science and international relations. Students gain knowledge and skills which will help them to develop in various career directions ranging from state service to business. Yury Kabanov, Academic Supervisor of the programme, explains how the learning process is structured.

HSE University-St Petersburg Political Scientists to Hold Anniversary Model UN

On April 8–10, HSE University-St Petersburg will hold the fifth Model United Nations conference (MUN). The event will take place offline in English and both current and prospective students can participate. The application deadline is March 15. Read on to learn more and find out what to expect from the conference.

'If You've Completed a Hard Route, It Doesn't Mean You Should Give Up Your Training'

On February 8, HSE University-St Petersburg celebrates the Day of Russian Science. We congratulate all researchers and wish them continued openness to new discoveries. To mark the occasion, we talked to scientists about the sources of their inspiration, moments of anxiety, and having fun.

Kindness: A Tool for Creating A Fairer World

With practical examples, Daniel Akabueze illustrates how to use this tool.

Political Science at HSE University-St Petersburg: Students' Term Papers and Theses

One of the most important deadlines for HSE students of any programme is the one for choosing a topic for term papers. For some people, it might be hard to define the area of their research interests due to the great variety of theories, events, and approaches. Others might have no idea what to write about. To help sort out potential topics, we looked at those chosen by political scientists for their papers last year.

Era of the Pandemic in Researches of HSE University-St Petersburg: Yury Kabanov's New Article on Anti-COVID Policy in Russian Regions

The COVID-19 pandemic affected many areas of public life. Now the researchers have many new questions which require extensive consideration. Yury Kabanov, Academic Supervisor of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics', and his colleagues conducted a research on public administration in Russia during the pandemic and public opinion of people in the regions.

Second EU Model to Take Place at HSE University in St. Petersburg in November

This year, HSE University’s EU Model game and conference will be an intercampus event that will be held online. The organizers are confident that the event will attract students in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, and Perm who are interested in European policy, EU law and international relations.

High Five: Reading List by Yuri Kabanov

The academic year is gradually gaining momentum, and textbooks, along with academic papers, are becoming a part of bedtime reading. If you would like to read something different and useful, read the reading list by Yuri Kabanov, co-head of the programme 'Political Science and World Politics'. There you will find books about statistics and cats, a collection of short stories-assumptions, and others.

Festival “Back to the Future”: How Has Life in Russia Changed over the Last 20 Years?

The festival was held 3 days, contained 9 lectures during which various topics and issues were discussed at bars and cafes by professors of different departments of the HSE.