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‘The BRICS Strategic Partnership Offers the World Creative, Unifying, Forward-Looking Initiatives’

‘The BRICS Strategic Partnership Offers the World Creative, Unifying, Forward-Looking Initiatives’

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Today, BRICS has become an influential factor in modern international relations and is perceived as one of the pillars of a more just world order. This association is not based on one party’s dominance, but instead, is built on a sound balance of interests. The role of the association was discussed by the participants of the plenary session ‘BRICS Development Strategy: Equal Opportunities in an Unequal World’ at the XXIV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference.

The model of an unequal world order belongs to the past, said Nikita Anisimov, HSE University Rector, in his welcome speech. Today, the world is witnessing the rapid development of countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America. A new Foreign Policy Concept has been recently approved in Russia; it states that only the united efforts of the entire international community based on the balance of forces and interests can provide an effective solution to the numerous problems of our time. This is what the BRICS union is striving for.

‘The BRICS theme is starting to resonate in a new way today. We see strengthening potential, with an increase in the international role of the association, which means the promotion of multipolarity, justice, and mutually beneficial dialogue based on equality. I am sure that our joint work will contribute to the development of our countries' economies. Our expanding dialogue fully meets the needs of regional and inter-regional economic integration, and the formation of a large Eurasian partnership,’ he stressed.

At the same time, the Rector noted that HSE University, as a leading research university in Russia, is extremely interested in interacting with partners from BRICS countries in various fields.

Today, BRICS has become an influential factor in modern international relations, said Sergey Ryabkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Russia's sherpa in BRICS. The association embodies the synergy between cultures and civilizations representing different regions of the planet, the cooperation of new centres of power in world politics, global economy and finance. BRICS is rightly perceived as one of the pillars of a more just world order, a guardian of genuine multilateralism based on respect for international law and the sovereign choice of countries’ own path for development.

Sergey Ryabkov

‘The BRICS strategic partnership offers the world creative, unifying, forward-looking initiatives aimed at finding collective answers to the most pressing issues on the international agenda, including achieving sustainable development goals, ensuring food and energy security, promoting the post-pandemic recovery of the world economy, and combating climate change. Our countries have everything necessary for this. Together we represent more than 40% of the world's population, about 30% of the earth's landmass, and a third of the world's GDP at purchasing power parity. This is more than the G7,’ said the Deputy Minister.

He stressed that the pace of mutual trade between the countries in the association shows steady growth, despite the consequences of the pandemic and other obstacles. The BRICS countries are major producers and consumers of agricultural products and energy resources. BRICS accounts for over a third of the world's food supply, including more than 40% of global grain production, and there is potential to increase this further.

Pavel Knyazev, the Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russia's Sous Sherpa to BRICS, stressed that BRICS activity is not directed against anyone, it has never been contra, but always only pro, which makes it both strong and attractive, something vividly confirmed in the current turbulent times. Cooperation between the countries of the association is not subject to pressure and restraint from a single centre, but is based on a sound balance of interests. By this logic, the practice of trading in national currencies develops between leading economic centres that do not agree to live under the dominance of one model, in which the dollar is used for unfair competition.

Pavel Knyazev

‘Recent events show that interest in trading in national currencies is growing, despite the pressure exerted on many countries in attempts to undermine cooperation within the framework of BRICS,’ he stressed. Knyazev adds that Russia is determined to develop cooperation with emerging markets, but the expansion should benefit BRICS and the Global South and in no way create obstacles for them.

Currently, more than ten countries have expressed interest in participating in the association. Iran, Argentina and Algeria have already received the official status of candidates for joining BRICS.

It is very important to remember that BRICS countries came together through the initiative of their own governments and their own peoples, and this is not someone's idea from the outside, reminded Victoria Panova, session moderator  and HSE University Vice Rector. Unlike other countries, each of the BRICS countries is an independent sovereign state, and they have united on the basis of the principles of respect for international law and multiculturalism. She also invited scientists from the BRICS countries to jointly write a series of textbooks on topics relevant to the ‘Five’ in various fields.

The following experts also presented their reports at the session:

Anil Sooklal, South African Sherpa in BRICS, Rodrigo De Lima Baena Soares, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the Russian Federation, Nandan Unnikrishnan, Distinguished Fellow, Observer Research Foundation (India), Wang Wen, Executive Dean and Professor of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies (RDCY), Deputy Dean of Silk Road School, Renmin University of China, and Rasigan Maharajh, Chief Director of the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation, Tshwane University of Technology (South Africa).

By Marina Polyakova

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