More network connections give us more influence
Professor of Stockholm University, Yves Zenou, formerly post-graduate student of Jacques Thisse, Director of the HSE International Laboratory at the Centre for Market Studies and Spatial Economics gave a series of lectures to students at HSE St Petersburg on networks in economics.
HSE is hosting the Science Cinema Festival ‘360°’
The third Science Cinema Festival ‘360°’ takes place in Moscow from 10-17 October. The HSE was one of the first to be involved in this festival and its screenings.
Russians Read Better Than They Count
Russians are well ahead of many other countries in terms of literacy and numeracy, but lag behind in computer skills, according to the OECD Survey of Adult Skills presented at the HSE on October 8, 2013.
Intellectual Capital
The 9th interdisciplinary workshop on intangibles, intellectual capital and extra-financial information was held at the Copenhagen Business School at the end of September. It was organized by EIASM (the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management). Mariya Molodchik, Associate Professor of the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies HSE Perm told about the event.
Russia and HSE Researchers Join the International Assessment of Adult Competencies Programme
On October 8, 2013, the results of the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) will be published in Russia and several other countries. In Russia, the presentation will take place at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow.
Christian Ahlin Lectures on Macroeconomics at the HSE Nizhny Novgorod
Christian Ahlin, Associate Professor of Economics at Michigan State University, has begun lecturing at the HSE Nizhny Novgorod. Professor Ahlin teaches development economics as an elective course for undergraduate students, Economics programme students, and second-year postgraduate students.
International Workshop on ‘Sustainable Public Procurement: Research Trends and New Challenges’
The Center for Institutional Studies (CInSt), at HSE, is hosting a workshop on 4 - 5 October, 2013 on aspects of sustainable public procurement. The international workshop brings together researchers from The Economics of Public Private Partnerships Chair and the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Padova and from the HSE’s CInSt. The HSE news portal asked three of the participants to answer some questions in advance of the workshop.
A graduate of the HSE in Nizhny Novgorod, Dmitry Khametshin: ‘My academic career is my priority’
A graduate of the HSE in Nizhny Novgorod, Dmitry Khametshin is now getting his Ph.D. from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. He talks about his professional career and future plans.
Memorandum of Understanding with Maastricht University Signed
On 3 October, Prof. Yaroslav Kuzminov, Rector of the Higher School of Economics and Prof. Martin Paul, President of Maastricht University, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding.
The HSE Develops Tool for E-commerce Price Tracking
The Higher School of Economics has developed an internet inflation index to measure fluctuations in online retail prices.