LCSR Research Fellow’s Article Published in Online International Journal
A new article by Kirill Zhirkov, a Research Fellow with the HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, was published recently online in the international peer-reviewed journal Conflict Management and Peace Science.
Departing Cal Poly Professor Discusses Her Research Interests and Impressions of and Hopes for the HSE
Visiting Professor Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, is spending this semester teaching in the HSE’s Department of History. Before departing Moscow later this month, she kindly agreed to give an interview to the HSE News Service.
The HSE’s Birthday is Coming
On December 17, 2013, the HSE will celebrate its 21st birthday and the 10th anniversary of the HSE Professors’ Wednesday concert project at the Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAMT).
Students Need Assistance, Not Expulsion
Concerned about discipline and uniformity, teachers at Russian universities tend to squeeze out students perceived as not fitting in with the academic culture, suggests a study by Ivan Gruzdev, Elena Gorbunova, and Isak Frumin.
Countries with Transitional Economies are Abandoning Political Reform
On December 12, 2013, the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) presented its report ‘Stuck in Transition?’ at the HSE. The report focuses on post-Soviet and post-socialist countries.
Businesses unite in search of protection from Siloviki
Interference in business by Siloviki is undermining steady economic growth. Andrei Yakovlev, Anton Sobolev and Anton Kazun at the HSE International Centre for the study of Institutions and Development have conducted research on the question “Can Russian business reduce political pressure from the state?”
It’s Easier to Transform Corruption than to Defeat It
As the economy improves and anti-corruption legislation develops, it’s highly likely that the market corruption will transform into a network one. Maria Kravtsova studied various forms of corruption in her paper ‘A Friend in Court or a Penny in the Purse? Reasons for Market and Network Corruption’.
Economics and Gender
On Wednesday, December 11, 2013, Nancy Folbre, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, will give a talk at the Faculty of Sociology of the HSE within the International Research Seminar Series ‘Sociologies of Morality’. She is a feminist economist who focuses on economics and the family (or family economics), non-market work and the economics of care. We spoke to Nancy Folbre before the lecture.
Professor Raymond Duch on Taxation and the Newest Tendencies in Student Education at Oxford
On Tuesday, December 10, 2013, Raymond M. Duch (Nuffield College, University of Oxford), PhD, Official Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, spoke on ‘Why we Cheat: Experimental Evidence on Tax Compliance’ within the Higher School of Economics/ New Economic School research seminar on political economy. Raymond Duch gave a special interview for the HSE news service.
The Best Report in London
Ekaterina Streltsova, Junior Research Fellow of the Department for Statistics of Science at the Institute for Statistical Studies and the Economics of Knowledge, took part the third International Conference on History and Society Development. Her report was recognized as the best at the conference.