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HSE Launching English-taught Master's Programme in Population and Development

HSE Launching English-taught Master's Programme in Population and Development

The Academic Supervisor of the Population and Development master’s programme, Vladimir Kozlov, has answered key questions about the programme, which will admit its first students in 2015.  

— Why is the programme taught in English? Will Russian students be admitted to the programme alongside their international counterparts?

— We are really hoping to appeal to international students, primarily those from developing countries in Africa, South Asia, and developed countries that would like to study, among other things, aspects of Russia’s demographic and socioeconomic development. We also hope to see students from CIS countries, many of whom already speak English better than they speak Russian. But we are also interested in stronger Russian representatives who would ultimately like to continue their education abroad in a wider range of specialities – economics, management, etc. The knowledge that students gain from the programme will be sought after by both international companies and non-profit organisations, and the student’s excellent knowledge of English, which they will ‘polish up’ in their two years in the master’s programme, will always be an added benefit when finding a future job. It was also decided that the Population and Development programme would be in English because many of the programme’s courses will be taught by visiting foreign professors. Such courses will comprise up to 50% of overall credit hours.

— Aside from language, what is the main difference between the Population and Development programme and the Demography programme?

— Our programme takes a more hands-on approach. But this does not mean that graduates will be cut off from an academic career. Another difference is the training focus. The Population and Development programme has a concentration in State and Municipal Management, again because of its applied nature. We are going to train people to work with the government and officials, and our graduates will be specialists capable of making decisions that will be carried out at the government level – in healthcare and social security, for instance. In this area, a diploma in State and Municipal Management will be a huge stepping-stone to building a career in the state sector.

— What disciplines will be taught in the programme? Are there opportunities to specialize?

— At the start of the programme, students are offered a number of basic disciplines, including governance and public economics, as well as disciplines at the interface of demography and economics, and statistical methods. We will actually offer a statistical ‘guide,’ thanks to which students will be able to learn which methods to use in which situations, how to interpret data, and where to find necessary information independently if any issues arise.

Students can select a specialization among these disciplines and other areas as well. For example, students can study problems in healthcare and social work, migration, reproductive health and family planning, demography in the post-Soviet space, or economic demography with a focus on equality or problems in the pension system.

— Do similar programmes exist in Russia?

— The topic of population and development is practically non-existent in the CIS. Leading Western universities have similar programmes. England has yearlong programmes; these topics are parts of other disciplines in the U.S.; and French-speaking European countries have analogous programmes. In addition, programmes are being created at universities in developing countries. Also, sustainable development programmes are being organized within several faculties of ecology. We also touch upon this topic in our master’s programme.

— Who will the programme’s instructors be?

— We have contracts with renowned specialists from the U.S., France, Italy, Hungary, and Taiwan. HSE professors will also teach in the programme, including those from the Institute of Demography, the School of Public Administration, the Department of Health Care Administration and Economics, and the Faculty of Economics. Many of them received their PhDs at leading foreign universities.

— Will the master’s students be able to carry out research and gain hands-on experience?

— Classes are going to start closer to the evening, so students will have time to put their knowledge into practice. Instructors are ready to work with students outside of seminars. Depending on their interests, students will be able to take part in research projects being carried out in various areas by leading HSE researchers.

— How do you get into the programme?

— Students must submit a portfolio and their English test scores to be considered for the programme. The English tests can be replaced by actual certificates; students will need a 5.0 or higher on the IELTS and a score of 60 or above on the TOEFL IBT. Native English speakers or students who completed a Bachelor’s programme in English do not need to submit a certificate. In addition, an interview is a required component of students’ portfolios. Nonresident students will be able to attend the interview via Skype and in whichever language is more comfortable – English or Russian.

The portfolio includes all of the applicant's achievements, and particularly important are the student’s academic ones. This might include participating in conferences, writing articles, or an interesting thesis or final paper. There are quotas for international students available from the Russian government. There is early admission into the programme, and students can send their portfolios now. Then applicants will have time to add to the portfolios if necessary.


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