Petr Parshakov
- Laboratory Head: HSE Campus in Perm / International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy
- Professor: HSE Campus in Perm / Faculty of Computer Science, Economics, and Social Sciences / School of Economics and Finance
- Petr Parshakov has been at HSE University since 2012.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (342) 200-95-05
6152 - Address: Perm, 37 Gagarina Bulvar, room 205
- Personal webpage
- SPIN-RSCI: 6216-4167
- ORCID: 0000-0002-1805-2680
- ResearcherID: G-7651-2015
- Scopus AuthorID: 55881045400
- Google Scholar
- Blogs
- ResearchGate
- Supervisors
- E. Shakina
- T. V. Bukina
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Education and Degrees
HSE University
HSE University
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Awards and Accomplishments
Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2013)
Category "New Lecturers" (2011–2012)
Employment history
Deputy Head 2017 to present
International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy
Research Fellow 2010 to present
International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy
Masters in Finance Program Director 2015 to 2018
- 9th International Conference on Applied Financial Economics, Samos, Greece, 28-30 July 2012
- Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Current issues and modern technology of financial management in the development of innovative economy", Perm, PNIPU, 5-6 April 2012
- 8th International Scientific Conference on Economic Development "Sustainable development of the Russian regions: a man and modernization", Ekaterinburg, Ural Federal University, 22-23 April 2011
- III Russian Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Artificial Intelligence: philosophy, methodology, and innovation", Moscow, MIREA, 11-13 November 2009
- "Social Networks and Economics in Sports", May 27th - May 29th, 2013, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Center for Applied Optimization, University of Florida
- XVIII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества, г. Москва, НИУ ВШЭ, 2017
- 8th ESEA Conference on Sport Economics – Groningen (Netherlands), 31st August – 2nd September 2016
- XV Workshop on Accounting and Management Control "Memorial Raymond Konopka", Opense, Spain, 2016
- XVII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества, г. Москва, НИУ ВШЭ, 2016
- 91st Annual Conference of Western Economic Association, June 29-July 3, Portland, USA, 2016
- 85th Annual Meetings of Southern Economic Association, November 21-23, New Orleans, USA 2015
- 7th ESEA Conference on Sport Economics – Zurich (Switzerland), 27th-28th August 2015
- 84th Annual Meetings of Southern Economic Association, November 22-24, Atlanta, USA, 2014
- "Социальные сети и экономика в спорте", г. Москва, НИУ ВШЭ, University of Florida, 27-29 мая 2013
- 9th International Conference on Applied Financial Economics, Samos, Greece, 28-30 июля 2012
- Научно-практическая конференция с международным участием "Актуальные вопросы и современные технологии управления финансами в условиях инновационного развития экономических систем", г. Пермь, ПНИПУ, 5-6 апреля 2012 г.
- 8-ая Международная научно-практическая конференция по проблемам экономического развития «Устойчивое развитие российских регионов: человек и модернизация», г. Екатеринбург, УРФУ, 22-23 апреля 2011 г.
- III Всероссийская конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых "Искусственный интеллект: Философия, методология, инновации", г. Москва, МИРЭА, 11-13 ноября 2009 г.
- 2013
Social Networks and Economics in Sports conference (Москва). Presentation: Football Sponsor: Fan or Businessman?
International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCare) (Пермь). Presentation: Intellectual Capital Investments: Evidence from Panel VAR Analysis
Courses (2024/2025)
- Postgraduate seminar (Postgraduate course field of study Postgraduate Studies; 2 year, 1 semester)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Data and Analytics in Finance (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Finance and Credit; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Data and Analytics in Finance (Mago-Lego; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Finance and Credit; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Postgraduate seminar (Postgraduate course field of study Postgraduate Studies; 2 year, 2 semester)Eng
- Postgraduate seminar (Postgraduate course field of study Postgraduate Studies; 1 year, 1 semester)Rus
- Research Seminar (Postgraduate course field of study Economics; 3 year, 2 semester)Eng
- Research seminar "Empirical research in economics and corporate finance" (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management field of study Economics; 3 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
Courses (2022/2023)
- Contemporary issues in applied economics (Postgraduate course field of study Economics; 2 year, 1 semester)Eng
- Research Seminar (Postgraduate course field of study Economics; 3 year, 2 semester)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- Contemporary issues in applied economics (Postgraduate course field of study Economics; 2 year, 1 semester)Rus
- Data and Analytics in Finance (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Finance and Credit; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Introduction to R (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Finance and Credit; 1 year, 1 module)Eng
Courses (2020/2021)
- Data and Analytics in Finance (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics, Management, and Business Informatics field of study Finance and Credit; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Econometrics (Postgraduate course field of study Economics; 1 year, 2 semester)Rus
- Academic presentation skills, Academic Writing Center, HSE (October 2012)
- Contract theory, NES (September 2012)
- Summer School "Intellectual capital: in search of the source of companies growth" HSE-Perm (July 2012)
- Summer school on microeconometrics "Quantitative Methods of Public Policy Evaluation", GSE of Barcelona (June 2012)
- Empirical industrial markets: assessment of production capacity and the cost function, NES (June 2012)
- Academic Writing and related competencies, Academic Writing Center, HSE (March 2012)
- Master class Academic Writing, Huizingh Academic Development (December 2011)
- Empirical applications of the theory of industrial markets, NES (November 2011)
- Labor Economics, NES (November 2011)
- Advanced econometrics, NES (September 2011)
- English language courses for the certificate BEC Vantage (Business English Certificate Vantage), HSE (December 2010-June 2011)
- Game theory, NES (November 2010)
- Learning Management System tutors training course, HSE (April 2011)
The Relationship Between Digital Capital and Business Success: Discussion at the IDLab Seminar
On February 9, 2025, as part of the IDLab scientific seminar, a research presentation was held on " Digital Relational Capital as a Driver of Financial Success in Russian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises." The study was presented by its authors—Petr Parshakov, Sofia Paklina, and Evgeniya Shenkman. The research was conducted within the framework of the RSF project 23-78-10149, "Factors of Intensification of SME Resources under External Uncertainty."
Find Work with Help from an Algorithm: HSE Introduces ‘Jobs and Skills Navigator’
Researchers from HSE University have introduced a new tool to assist in building career paths and navigating today’s job market—the Jobs and Skills Navigator. This service algorithmically ranks available vacancies and the corresponding professional skills in the context of current labour market requirements. It aims to simplify the identification of competencies needed for mastering a new profession and streamline interactions between employers and job seekers.
Esports Players Play Better Online
In competitions, esports players, like other athletes, face stress and show worse results due to pressure. A substantial decrease takes place in the performance of esports players during overtime. This effect, however, is significantly mitigated in online competitions compared to live events—the difference can reach 30%. A study by a team of authors from HSE University’s Moscow and Perm campuses and European University Viadrina (Germany) explores the phenomenon of choking under pressure within the context of esports. The study was published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
Petr Parshakov discussed gender inequality in cybersport
On November 21, 2024, the head of IDLab, Petr Parshakov, presented a report titled 'Gender, Results, and Prizes: A Study of Discrimination in the Pay of Women’s Teams in Esports' at the Scientific and Educational Laboratory for Sports Research at HSE University.
Strategic Decisions in Esports: Insights from the IDLab Workshop
On September 20, 2024, a research on strategic decisions of teams in cyber sports matches was presented at the IDLab workshop. The paper was introduced by Egor Ivanov, an IDLab research assistant, and coauthored by Maria Molodchik, Petr Parshakov, and Evgenia Shenkman. They studied how professional cybersports teams make decisions when choosing which cards to exclude from the game and which to select.
Advice for Young Scientists: Professor Barajas Discussed Career Opportunities in Science
On September 13, 2024, the IDLab laboratory held an online seminar titled "Building an Academic Career," which gathered around 30 participants. In addition to the laboratory staff, external listeners joined the seminar, and the online format allowed attendees not only from Perm but also from other cities, including Moscow.
The first IDLab workshop of the new academic year took place
On August 30, 2024, IDLab hosted the first workshop of the new academic year, which, as usual, was held in an online format. The event was attended by about 25 people, including lab staff and other attendees.
Development of SMEs in Conditions of External Uncertainty Discussed at HSE Perm Campus
On June 27, 2024, a workshop dedicated to the interim results and prospects of research conducted under the RNF grant "Factors of Resource Intensification for SMEs in Conditions of External Uncertainty" took place at the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy at HSE University (Perm). Participants discussed key achievements and steps in the project aimed at supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in a changing economic environment.
IDLab Workshop
Nikita Matkin presented the study "Toxic behaviour and team performance in Dota2 competitions". Co-authors of this research: Petr Parshakov, Iuliia Naidenova
IDLab Workshop
Mikhail Usanin and Aleksei Smirnov presented the study «AI-based approach to burnout identification and it’s implication for performance in eSports». Co-authors of this research: Marina Zavertiaeva, Petr Parshakov, Sofia Paklina.
IDLab Workshop
Petr Parshakov presented the study "Masculinity in Esports: The Influence of FWHR on Team and Player Success in CS:GO". Co-authors of this research: Iuliia Naidenova, Marina Zavertiaeva, Vladimir Soluyanov.
IDLab Workshop
Timofey Shvaya presented the study "Crowd Size and Prediction Precision: an Analysis of Metaculus Data". Co-authors of this research: Petr Parshakov, Iuliia Naidenova, Dennis Coates
IDLab Workshop
Mariia Molodchik presented the study "Sector-Driven ESG Reporting Strategies in S&P 500 Companies: shifting priorities and value creation". Co-authors of this research: Petr Parshakov, Mikhail Usanin, Irina Maksimova
IDLab Workshop
Grigorii Teplykh presented the study "The spread of COVID-19 and football: Lesson from Belarus. "A Feastball in Time of Plague"". Co-authors: Iuliia Naidenova, Petr Parshakov.
IDLab staff took part in a collaborative event organised by HSE University and Sber (R&D Day)
Petr Parshakov and Sofia Paklina attended the R&D day and came up with the idea of diagnosing emotional burnout.
The results of a strategic project on digital transformation are presented
IDLab presented the results of the project "Analysis of ICT profiles of Russian companies using machine learning methods".
The IDLab’s Advanced Research Programme is presented
P.A. Parshakov presented the strategy of IDLab development in the field of digital technologies for 2024-2026.
Presentation of the results of the project "Navigator of professions and skills"
Petr Parshakov and Pavel Travkin presented the results of the "Vocations and Skills Navigator" project at a seminar in Moscow.
IDLab Workshop
Carlos Gomez-Gonzalez and Petr Parshakov presented the study "Together but not scrambled? Ethnic discrimination and a low-cost intervention". Co-authors: Cornel M. Nesseler, Helmut M. Dietl.
IDLab staff took part in the 10th international GSOM Economy & management conference 2023 (EMC 2023)
Mariya Molodchik, Petr Parshakov, Marina Zavertyaeva, Egor Ivanov, Daria Usmanova, Irina Maksimova, Timofei Shvaya, Mikhail Usanin and Alexey Smirnov presented their papers at the conference held in St. Petersburg on 3 - 7 October, 2023 (EMC 2023).
Timofey Shvaya took part in ROSES
Timofey Shvaya, Research Assistant at IDLab, presented the results of the study "Evaluating the Effects of Diverse Strategies on Team Performance in the Face of Shocks".
Petr Parshakov take part in ROSES
Peter Parshakov, Head of IDLab, presented the results of the study "Choking under pressure in online and live competitions".
IDLab employees Evgenia Shenkman and Petr Parshakov spoke about available digital tools for searching and analyzing literature
On Thursday, June 29, within the framework of the IDLab (International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy) workshop, a presentation by Evgenia Shenkman and Petr Parshakov took place on digital tools that can be used to search for relevant literature and write reviews.
IDLab Workshop
Michael Usanin, Petr Parshakov and Irina Maximova presented the study “Topic modeling by ESG-reports”.
IDLab members at the 24th Yasin (April) International Academic Conference
The 24th Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (hereinafter the '24th Yasin Conference' or the 'Conference') was held at the HSE from April 4 to 14. As part of the thematic areas of the 24th Yasin Conference, the laboratory also made its reports on new research results.
‘The “Neighbours in Research” Conference Has Become a Special Hallmark of HSE University in Perm’
The 10th anniversary scientific conference ‘Neighbours in Research’ was held at HSE University in Perm. This year it received the status of an international event—research was presented by scientists not only from different regions of Russia, but also from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The conference's key concept is interdisciplinarity, and as a result, reports were presented from various branches of science, including economics, linguistics, sociology, law, digital technologies, and neuroscience.
Joint scientific workshop of Laboratory of Sports Studies and IDLab
On March 18, the teams of the Laboratory of Sports Studies (HSE University, Moscow) and IDLab (HSE University, Perm) met to develop joint scientific projects.
IDLab Workshop
Iuliia Naidenova and Petr Parshakov presented the first results of the study "Viewership Patterns: An Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Videos on YouTube"
Series of workshops as part of the student seminar "Cooking up your first research"
At the end of December, researchers from the International Laboratory for the Economics of Intangible Assets held a series of workshops on academic writing “What-you-need-to know to write a Research Paper” for students, graduate students, research assistant and just everyone. Master classes were organized as part of the student seminar "Cooking up your first research".
IDLab Workshop
Petr Parshakov and Carlos Gomez-Gonzalez (University of Zurich) presented the first results of the study "Take one for the team. How good leaders sacrifice their own performance for their team"
IDLab Workshop
Iuliia Naidenova presented the first results of the study "ESG disclosure and firm performance"
IDLab Workshop
Elena Shakina presented the first results of the study "Who is more likely to generate blockbuster innovations? Evidence from open-source software"
Presentation at the conference of the European Association for the Economics of Sport ESEA
Petr Parshakov, Deputy Head of IDLab, presented the report "Choking under pressure in online and live competitions".
IDLab members presented their research at the 8th Western Football and Finance Conference
Iuliia Naidenova and Petr Parshakov took part in the 8th Western Football and Finance Conference
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Anastasia Saltykova and Petr Parshakov presented research results
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Petr Parshakov presented the results of the study "Online and live tournaments: prize structure and performance"
IDLab at the Yasin (April) conference
IDLab employees took an active part in the XXIII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Nadezhda Votintseva presented new results of the study "The quest for business model patterns", conducted jointly with IDLab employees Maria Molodchik, Petr Parshakov and Iuliia Naidenova
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Iuliia Naidenova presented the results of a new study "Choking under pressure in CS:GO in online and live competitions", conducted together with Petr Parshakov
IDLab ONLINE Workshop
Petr Parshakov presented the results of the study "Assessment of business reputation based on open text information"
IDLab at the Neighbors in Research conference
IDLab researchers took part in the IX scientific conference "Neighbours in Research"
From reviewers about reviews
On January 25 the HSE AWC hosted its first event in 2022 – the panel discussion "From reviewers, to reviewers, about reviews."
Crowdsourced ratings of football players are underestimated: a study by IDLab researchers
Crowdsourced assessments of the value and ability of football players should be used with caution. As a rule, such estimates are below market value, while the difference depends on the league and the prestige of the players. Dennis Coates and Petr Parshakov, researchers at the International Laboratory for the Economics of Intangible Assets of HSE — Perm, came to such conclusions in the article "The wisdom of crowds and transfer market values", published in the European Journal of Operational Research.
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Georg Stadtmann presented the results of the study "Survival of professional CS: GO teams: What matters? A research note"
“Intellectual capital of individuals, groups and organizations” panel of Analytics for Management and Economics Conference 2021
Petr Parshakov chaired the track “Intellectual capital of individuals, groups and organizations”
IDLab researchers joined the Council for Data of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment
Elena Shakina, Petr Parshakov and Sofia Paklina became members of the Council for Data of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud), which is aimed at solving the tasks of the department using digital technologies
The results of the research conducted by IDLab members were taken into account when discussing the potential format of the Russian Football Premier League
The article "Uncertainty of Outcome and Attendance: Evidence from Russian Football" was mentioned on the Russian Football Union website
ESEA Conference
IDLab members took part in the European Sport Economics Association (ESEA) conference
ESEA Workshop
IDLab members acted as experts at a virtual workshop of the European Sport Economics Association (ESEA) conference
IDLab Refresher Course: Analyzing Text Data in R and Python
Despite the summer holidays, IDLab members and trainees are undergoing advanced training in automated text data analysis
5th Eastern Conference on Football Economics & 7th Western Conference on Football and Finance July 2-3, 2021 (Online)
IDLab members took part in the annual conference on football economics and finance, which combined 2 conferences - 5th Eastern Conference on Football Economics and 7th Western Conference on Football and Finance July 2-3, 2021 (Online)
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Veronika Ghukasyan presented the results of her research from the 3rd-year coursework, written under the supervision of Petr Parshakov.
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Iuliia Naidenova presented the first results of a new study “Broadcasts versus highlights: what does a modern consumer prefer?”, conducted jointly with Petr Parshakov
Conference "Neighbors in Research"
IDLab members, as well as students writing course papers under their supervision, took an active part in the VIII scientific conference "Neighbors in Research".
Petr Parshakov presented a study at NTNU seminar
Petr Parshakov, researcher at ID Lab, presented the study “How Heuristic Hiring Practices Lead to Nonoptimal Outcomes: The Case of Obese Workers” at the seminar of NTNU (Norway)
Brown Bag SEMinar of IDLab and St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management
Petr Parshakov presented a study at the BrownBag seminar
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Sergey Suvorov presented the results of a study of the determinants of sneaker prices on the secondary market
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
IDLab researchers presented a new study on the development of a business ethics index for Russian companies
Interregional Research Online Seminar
Researchers of IDLab took part in Interregional Research Online Seminar
Petr Parshakov presented at the ROSES online conference
Petr Parshakov, IDLab member, presented the results of a study on the impact of expectations on employee performance after job change
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Sergei Suvorov, IDLAb trainee, presented the first results of a new study conducted in collaboration with Petr Parshakov and Iuliia Naidenova
Joined workshop of IDLab and the Laboratory of Sports Studies
Petr Parshakov presented the results of the study "Body mass index and performance in digital activities"
Analytics for Management and Economics Conference (online)
Researchers of IDLab took part in the next session of Analytics for Management and Economics Conference
Analytics for Management and Economics Conference (online)
ID Lab members took part in organizing and conducting the section "Intellectual capital and performance" of the conference "Analytics for Management and Economics"
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Presentation of the idea of a new study on the relationship between differences in calendar and biological ages and individual productivity in football based on intellectual analysis of photos.
Dennis Coates presented a study at online conference
Dennis Coates presented the results of a study on the choice of an individual or team tournament format using the example of esports at an online conference
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Dennis Coates presented the results of a study on choosing an individual or team format for a tournament using eSports data
ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
The first online workshop was held in the new academic year 2020-2021
IDLab ONLINE Research Workshop
Petr Parshakov, Deputy Head of IDLab, presented a study on the impact of expectations when changing a job on individual productivity using data on football players
Presentation at the webinar of Kochubey Center as part of the OnLab project
IDLab experts made a presentation "INFODEMIA COVID-19: shocks of financial markets" according to the results of a scientific study
‘The Sports Market Will Survive, Although It’ll Be Cast Back to Where It Was Years Ago’
On July 3, 2020, the 4th Eastern Conference on Football Economics and the 6th Western Conference on Football and Finance were held. Jointly organized by HSE University, the University Paderborn, the New Economic School, the EWG OR in Sports, and the University of Reading, the conference was dedicated to the economic, financial and social aspects of football. Some of the organizers and participants of the conference spoke to the HSE News Service about the conference and their research.
Congratulations with publication!
IDLab researchers published an article in the Journal of Business Research
IDLab members took part in ONLINE conferences
This week researchers of IDLab took part in two sports economics confrences: 1st NAASE virtual conference and joint 4th Eastern Conference on Football Economics & 6th Western Conference on Football and Finance
Members of Depertment of Economics and Finance and International Laboratory of Intenagible-driven Economy congratulate to Peter Parshakov with PhD thesis' defense in University of Vigo (Spain)
Scinetific workshop of ID Lab and the School of Economics and Finance
Petr Parshakov presented his PhD thesis «The Economics of eSports: Elements That Affect Performance», which he plan to defend 24 October 2019. Partucularly, Petr presented the structure and logic of the thesis.
Neighbors in Research
Neighbors in Research
Economics of eSports
How GDP affects success in eSports
With or without CU: A comparative study of efficiency of European and Russian corporate universities
At January 22 during the research seminar "Empirical research of corporate Finance" School of Finance were presented the results of the study of Parshakov P., Shakina E. A. With or without CU: A comparative study of efficiency of European and Russian corporate universities
HSE Researchers Take Part in ‘Economics of Football’ Conference
On June 23-24, the international conference ‘Economics of Football’ was held in Kazan. This event was organized by the Higher School of Economics (HSE), the New Economic School and Kazan Federal University. Angel Barajas, Dennis Coates, Elena Shakina, Petr Parshakov, Iuliia Naidenova and Anna Bykova, staff members of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, participated in the conference. The researchers presented papers and worked as moderators, discussants and key speakers at various sessions and workshops.
Petr Parshakov spoke on the scientific seminar at University of Vigo, Spain
Petr Parshakov spoke on the scientific seminar of School of Economics and Business Administration at University of Vigo, Spain on the 18th January, where he presented the results of the study «Team vs. Individual Tournaments: Evidence from Prize Structure in eSports», implemented jointly with Dennis Coates in the framework of PhD thesis at University of Vigo.
IDlab at HSE April conference
IdLab members presented their papers in sports economics and government support.
Marina Zavertiaeva, Petr Parshakov, Iuliia Naidenova and Dennis Coates presented their research projects at the international conference in New Orleans
The 85th Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association took place in New Orleans (USA, Louisiana) November 21-23, 2015. Marina Zavertiaeva, Petr Parshakov, Iuliia Naidenova, and Dennis Coates participated in the conference.
IDlab at the Conference in Zurich
Angel Barajas, Academic Superisor of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, Professor at the University of Vigo, and research fellows of the laboratory Dennis Coates, Professor at the University of Maryland, Marina Zavertiaeva and Petr Parshakov took part in the 7th European Sport Economics Association Conference on Sport Economics that was held on August 27-28 in Zurich.
HSE Perm Undergrad Makes it into Top-15 in International Paper Competition
Aleksei Chmykhov, a senior in HSE Perm’s undergraduate Economics programme, has been selected as a finalist in the internationalNew Economic Talent 2015 paper competition organised by the Czech Republic’s Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute (CERGE-EI).