HSE and Seoul National University Sign Cooperation Agreement
On July 17, 2017, HSE signed a memorandum of understanding on academic and research cooperation with Seoul National University (SNU). It covers joint research, joint projects, student and staff visits, as well as the sharing of academic resources.
Designing Interaction with Mobile Devices: New HSE Course Now Available on Coursera
A new English-taught course offered by the HSE Faculty of Computer Science kicks off on Coursera on July 17, 2017: Mobile Interaction Design: How to Design Usable Mobile Products and Services. Its author is Pavel Manakhov, Associate Professor at the HSE School of Software Engineering and Lead Interaction Designer at UsabilityLab.
Data Culture: HSE Will Teach All Its Students to Work with Data
HSE will launch a new project called Data Culture in September 2017. Starting their very first year, HSE bachelor’s students will learn to work with data, and students in a number of programmes will also become familiarised with methods of machine-learning and artificial intelligence.

HSE Signs Cooperation Agreement with Hitotsubashi University
On June 19 the Higher School of Economics signed a cooperation agreement with Hitotsubashi University in Japan. The agreement covers mutual visits for lecturers and researchers, student exchange programmes, as well as joint research projects, academic events, and publications.

New HSE Student Council Representatives Aim to Bridge Communication Gap for International Students
In May 2017, representatives of the International Students’ Association Council were elected to the HSE Student Council for the first time. They will serve until February 2018 when a new election will take place. The International Student Association Council (or International Student Council for short) currently consists of five students from CIS and Baltic countries, and three students from other countries.

HSE Opens SAP Innovation Centers for Students
SAP Next-Gen Lab innovation centers, networked with the center at Münster University (Germany) – HSE’s partner university since 2005, have opened at HSE School of Business Informatics (Moscow) and the Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science (HSE Nizhny Novgorod).

Bloomberg Hub Opens at HSE School of Finance
From June 2017 a Bloomberg hub offering unlimited data access will be available at the HSE building at 26 Shabolovka. The Bloomberg database comprises extensive, constantly updated data on global and national capital markets, transactions involving financial assets, derivatives, as well as market liquidity options, trading applications and news flow.

HSE Helps Launch Poncelet Interdisciplinary Scientific Centre
On May 22, Russian and French scientists met in Moscow to sign an agreement to create the French-Russian Interdisciplinary Scientific Centre J.-V. Poncelet (ISCP), which the Higher School of Economics helped set up.

First Ever Monument to Anonymous Peer Reviewer Unveiled at HSE
The concrete block in the courtyard of the HSE Institute of Education has been a lasting image of the WW2 era. However, last summer, the institute’s staff came up with the idea of turning it into a piece of art. The idea was put forth by Igor Chirikov, Director of theCentre of Sociology of Higher Education, whereby this useless piece of concrete would be transformed into a monument to the ‘anonymous peer reviewer’. Moreover, this idea ended up garnering the most support as a result of an internal vote.
International Student Information Centre Launched for Indonesia and Malaysia
The Higher School of Economics has launched the HSE International Student Information Centre Office in Indonesia and Malaysia. The university is collaborating with ImageRnR-Indonesia, which acts as an educational promotion and marketing planner to promote HSE and act as the university’s representative in Indonesia and other countries in Southeast Asia.