On the Fast Track at Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Vera Danilina, Senior Lecturer in the Department of World Economy (Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs), spoke recently about her experience as a participant in the Fast Track programme at the Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE, Aix-Marseille University) in France.
Masterclass on Historical Research at the HSE Perm
Immo Rebitschek, postgraduate student of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, gave a lecture on the system of education in Europe and delivered a masterclass on historical research at the HSE Perm.
’Speaking Russian helps me to interact with colleagues and students’
Dr. Martin Beisswenger, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of History, shares his experience of being a newcomer at HSE in an interview forThe HSE LooK.
People in America are More Interested in Tolstoy than Putin
Andrey Shcherbak, Associate Professor at the HSE Saint Petersburg School of Applied Political Science, spent six months in the USA, thanks to the Mellon Visiting Scholar Fellowship programme. Andrey told us about the programme and his research.
The Changing Cities
An international academic conference ‘Street Art in the Changing City: Theoretical Perspectives’ will take place on June 7-8, 2013, at the HSE. The event has been organized by the ‘Graffiti and Street Art in the Cultural Cityscape’ research and study group, and the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities. Experts in modern urban studies will participate in the conference. Keynote speakers will include geographer Luke Dickens (Open University of London, United Kingdom) and sociologist Andrea Mubi Brighenti (University of Trento, Italy). They both gave special interviews to HSE news service prior the conference.
‘The Top Marks for Summer School in HSE’
Maureen A. Pirog, Rudy Professor of Policy Analysis, Indiana University and Associated Professor, University Washington, Editor-in-Chief, the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management gave a special interview to HSE news service.
From Reading Pushkin to Investigating Russian Business-state Relations
Yuko Adachi, Associate Professor at Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan), is currently a visiting researcher at HSE. Her book ‘Building Big Business in Russia’ published in 2010 explains the privatization and transformation of Russia into a market economy. We asked her to tell us about her interest in Russia for the HSE News service.
Video Interviews with Conference Participants
In a series of video interviews for the HSE news service some key speakers of the XIV HSE April International Academic Conference shared their views on global economic and social development.
HSE Students and Lecturers Get Chance to Help Broadcast Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics
An Educational Centre of the Olympic Broadcasting Service (OBS), which supports worldwide broadcasting of the Olympic Games, is opening at the HSE Faculty of Media Communications
Joint Project of Channel One Russia, New York Film Academy, and the HSE
On April 7, 2013, Channel One Russia, together with the New York Film Academy and the Higher School of Economics, will launch the course ‘Modern Production in Cinema and Television’.