A Laboratory, a Department and a Master’s Programme: How are Finances, Intangibles and Sport Connected?
It is not unusual for faculty staff to combine several roles, such as a researcher and a teacher, but sometimes they bring even more to the table.The HSE Look is glad to present an interview with Professor Angel Barajas, who initially joined HSE’s campus in Perm as a Leading Research Fellow of the International Laboratory of Intangible-Driven Economy and recently became the Head of the Department of Finance at HSE St. Petersburg, as well as the supervisor of a Master’s programme.
Faculty of Law: Combining Research and Professional Training
In its latest issue, The HSE Look presents the Faculty of Law in an interview with its Dean - Associate Professor Evgeny Salygin.

We Do Not Draw a Divisive Line between Economics and International Relations
Interdisciplinary research and education in economics and international politics are the trademark of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at HSE. The Faculty offers three tracks for undergraduate students and five Master’s programmes, as well as many opportunities for collaboration on research projects for faculty members and students. Sergey Karaganov, Dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, spoke with The HSE Look about research plans, international cooperation and new degree programmes.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025