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HSE University to Expand Cooperation with Brazilian Universities

HSE University to Expand Cooperation with Brazilian Universities

© Mikhail Dmitriev / HSE University

On October 14, 2024, International Partnership Day Russia-Brazil took place at HSE University. The event was organised in collaboration with the Brazilian Embassy in Moscow and marked the first Brazilian academic and scientific mission to Russia, leading to the signing of cooperation agreements between HSE University and four Brazilian universities.

The first Brazilian academic mission in Russia, which began with International Partnership Day, was opened by HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov.

‘We are pleased to welcome our friends from 17 leading universities of Brazil, the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, and the National Nuclear Energy Commission of Brazil to HSE University. It is a great honour for us to open up the first Brazilian academic and scientific mission at our university with International Partnership Day Russia–Brazil,’ Anisimov emphasised.

The Rector reminded the audience that HSE first hosted a delegation of representatives from 11 Brazilian universities in 2014, initiating the development of academic contacts and collaborative projects. To date, 11 agreements have been signed with seven Brazilian partners, and a master's programme ‘Science, Technology, and Innovation Management and Policy’ is being implemented with the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).

Nikita Anisimov, HSE Rector
© Mikhail Dmitriev / HSE University

As noted by Nikita Anisimov, HSE University has developed a comprehensive approach to studying Brazil, with the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs playing a key role, and the School of Foreign Languages offering students the opportunity to study Portuguese. Additionally, HSE University will continue to participate in all thematic areas of the Brazil–Russia–Belarus cooperation project in research, teaching, innovation, science, and technology (Academic and STI Cooperation Brazil–Russia–Belarus), initiated by the Brazilian Embassy in Russia.

‘I am convinced that today's meeting will create even more favourable conditions for academic exchanges, scientific developments, as well as enhance interaction between Russian and Brazilian scholars,’ the HSE Rector stated.

Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Brazil to Russia
© Mikhail Dmitriev / HSE University

In his speech, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Brazil to Russia, Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares, highlighted the cooperation between universities in Russia, Belarus, and Brazil. He noted that International Partnership Day at HSE is ‘a great opportunity to further strengthen relations between the Russian and Brazilian scientific communities.’ In his opinion, HSE is a leader in Russian higher education, and its professors and teaching staff are renowned worldwide for their expertise.

Victoria Panova, HSE Vice Rector, noted that last year HSE University launched its first ‘International Academic Cooperation’ competition, which aims to support the development of international scientific collaborations. She said: ‘I am pleased to announce that out of the seven projects supported by the competition, one three-year project is currently being implemented with collaboration between HSE and the State University of Campinas.’

Aleksander Shchetinin, Director of the Department of Latin America at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
© Mikhail Dmitriev / HSE University

Aleksander Shchetinin, Director of the Department of Latin America at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, thanked the Ambassador for his initiative in preparing such an extensive programme. ‘Your visit is a significant step in forming broad inter-university partnerships between our countries. We view the arrival of a representative Brazilian academic delegation in Russia as a valuable contribution to strengthening the strategic partnership between Russia and Brazil.’

Ksenia Trinchenko, Director of the Department of International Cooperation at the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education
© Mikhail Dmitriev / HSE University

Ksenia Trinchenko, Director of the Department of International Cooperation at the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, highlighted the significant amount of work done to arrange the delegation's visit to Russia: ‘This is truly a historic event in the educational and scientific fields of both Russia and Brazil, as this is the first time such a large delegation of Brazilian universities and scientific organisations has visited our country. It undoubtedly reflects our countries' readiness to expand cooperation in the humanitarian sphere.’

She also noted that the initiative from the Brazilian side to organise such a large-scale visit to Russia is very relevant and expressed hope that new agreements would be signed during the Brazilian delegation's visit to Russia. ‘This is truly an example of mutually respectful cooperation that considers each other's interests,’ she said.

José Daniel Diniz Melo, Rector of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and President of the National Association of Heads of Federal Higher Education Institutions
© Mikhail Dmitriev / HSE University

José Daniel Diniz Melo, Rector of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and President of the National Association of Directors of Federal Higher Education Institutions (Andifes), which includes 190 Brazilian universities, pointed out the need to further expand mutual cooperation, overcoming any challenges. ‘Thanks to bilateral agreements between Russian and Brazilian universities, our countries and citizens are becoming closer to each other every day,’ he commented.

Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles, Rector of the State University of Campinas
© Mikhail Dmitriev / HSE University

Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles, Rector of the State University of Campinas, stated that his university strives to establish partnerships with institutions from various countries. In his view, HSE and the State University of Campinas share numerous areas of common interest for expanding cooperation and involving more students, professors, teachers, and researchers. ‘We have vast internal opportunities that need to be unlocked,’ the rector concluded.

The Brazilian guests were introduced to the most promising areas of cooperation with HSE University, as well as the university's achievements in global rankings, the development of Russia's first online campus, research in AI, and recruitment of faculty and researchers from the international market.

HSE Vice Rector Victoria Panova highlighted the strategic nature of relations between the two countries, particularly within the BRICS framework, and informed the guests about projects implemented by HSE University during Russia's presidency in this international organisation. ‘HSE University is the key Russian think tank for BRICS research. The BRICS Expert Council–Russia was established at our university by decision of the Russian government and with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance. We are actively developing partnerships with universities from BRICS countries, as 24% of our partnership agreements are with them,’ Victoria Panova emphasised.

The opening of International Partnership Day Russia-Brazil concluded with signing cooperation agreements between HSE University and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, the State University of Campinas, the State University of Santa Catarina, and the University of Brasília. Afterwards, the Brazilian guests were given a tour of the HSE building on Pokrovsky Boulevard.

Representatives of HSE faculties and institutes shared the achievements of their departments in science and advanced research, as well as opportunities for academic cooperation and current projects. These include not only the master's double degree programme ‘Science, Technology and Innovation Management and Policy’ implemented by ISSEK together with the State University of Campinas, but also research projects such as ‘Pluralistic Perspectives on Logic and Formal Philosophy’ as part of the ‘International Academic Cooperation’ competition, and the Consortium of BRICS Law Schools, launched by the Faculty of Law.

The first Brazilian academic and scientific mission to Russia continued during the week. In particular, Moscow State University hosted the first forum of rectors from Brazil, Russia, and Belarus, as well as the BRICS University Presidents Conference.

Representatives from two Brazilian universities—the State University of Campinas and São Paulo State University—were recently honoured guests at a meeting of the Academic Council of HSE UniversitySt Petersburg. They presented the educational opportunities of their universities and expressed interest in expanding academic cooperation. On October 16, 2024, HSE's academic mission to South America began. The HSE delegation from St Petersburg will visit Mexico, Chile, and Brazil.

See also:

‘Brazilians and Russians Share a Unique Connection’

Tobias Vilhena de Moraes is a historian working at Museu Lasar Segall inSão Paulo, Brazil, and a faculty member of the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences at the University of Campinas. He is now working on a master’s degree at HSE University-St Petersburg.

‘The Defence Was Both Interesting and Nerve-Wracking’

Ana Livia Araujo Esteves, from Brazil, lecturer at the HSE School of International Regional Studies, has recently defended her PhD at HSE University. In her interview with the HSE News Service, she talks about her research into Brazilian–Russian relations, the difficulties of the thesis defence process, and her further plans in academia.

HSE and University of Campinas Celebrate World Logic Day Together

On January 15, 2025, the Russian-Brazilian Colloquium on Logical Pluralism was held at the HSE International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy to mark World Logic Day. This event was part of the joint project ‘Pluralistic Perspectives on Logic and Formal Philosophy,’ implemented by the laboratory and the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science at the University of Campinas (Brazil) under the International Academic Cooperation competition.

Bringing Maths and Philosophy Together: Russian-Brazilian Project Explores Logical Pluralism

In late October and early November, HSE University hosted the Autumn School on ‘Logic and Formal Philosophy’ and a conference on logical pluralism as part of a collaborative project uniting Russian and Brazilian philosopher-logicians and mathematician-logicians. The project’s leaders and participants, Elena Dragalina-Chernaya, Itala Loffredo D'Ottaviano, Marcelo Esteban Coniglio, and Evandro Luis Gomes, shared their insights about the initiative.

HSE University Negotiates to Launch Joint Projects with Leading Universities in Brazil

In the framework of the academic mission to Latin America, HSE University-St Petersburg has negotiated to launch joint projects with leading Brazilian universities. Thus, with the University of São Paulo, the first in the QS ranking among Brazilian universities, HSE plans to carry out joint research aimed at supporting biodiversity, developing biotechnologies and solving ecological and social issues. 

‘It Is Absolutely Necessary for Scholars and Students to Be in Contact with Peers Around the World’

Bruno de Conti, Assistant Professor at the University of Campinas (Unicamp, Brazil), has been cooperating with the HSE School of International Regional Studies for a few years. In his interview with the HSE News Service, he talks about the importance of developing academic cooperation between Russia and Brazil and shares his impressions of HSE University and Moscow.

‘I Am Able to Tell My Students Things That I Always Wanted to Tell People in Russia’

Ana Livia Araujo Esteves, from Sao Paulo, Brazil, is a journalist, a third-year doctoral student of International Relations, and visiting lecturer at the HSE School of International Regional Studies. In her interview for the HSE News Service, she speaks about her motivation to carry out research and teach students in Russia, shares some tips for people from Latin America living in Moscow, and talks about why a dog can be a reason to stay in Russia for just a bit longer.

HSE University and Leading Universities in Brazil to Prepare Joint Cooperation Programmes

In the framework of a major academic mission to Latin America, a delegation from HSE University visited the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), a Brazilian higher education institution and analytical centre for training specialists in administration. Representatives of FGV have expressed their interest in signing a cooperation agreement in the spheres of media communications and game theory.

Russia–Brazil Academic Cooperation: We Have More in Common than Not

In May 2022, Prof. Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, conducted an online master class for early-career researchers at HSE University on ‘Research in Economics of Multi-Sided Platforms’, which included feedback on research papers on the topic. The HSE News Service talked to Prof. Ribeiro and Prof. Svetlana Golovanova, who organised the event on behalf of HSE University, about this format of academic cooperation.

Brazilian Student Comes to Russia to Realise His Dreams

Brazilian student Vicente Giaссaglini Ferraro has been interested in Russia since childhood, when he started learning Russian on his own. He is now studying in the Higher School of Economics’ Applied Politics master’s programme. In an interview with the HSE News Service, Vicente discusses what drew him towards Russia, why he chose HSE, and why he is happy when it is cold.